Programs & Services

Connect Program

The FSJFS Kitchen Team provides a wholesome and free breakfast every morning, 8:00am-10:00am Monday – Friday in the main hall of the Fort St. John Friendship Centre at 10208-95th Avenue. This program starts in November and runs through to March.

For more information please contact us directly at 250-785-8566.

Connect Program - Mobile Outreach Unit

This program runs April to October, Monday to Friday from 8:00am – 10:00am. We serve a free breakfast to members of the community in need from our mobile outreach unit.

For more information please contact us directly at 250-785-8566.

Housing Manager

We offer Housing Support Services to individuals and families in need. Our Housing Manager also offers tax clinics and support for housing subsidies and so much more. Our goal is to build and create foundational supports that will help our clients on their journey to becoming more self-sufficient and self-reliant.

For more information please contact Maxine at 250-785-8566 or via email at

Job Placement/ Training Coordinator

Our Job Placement Training Coordinator provides employment and life skills training. This program uses a strength-based approach in helping individuals discover their full potential in the workforce. Our JPTC provides access to the resources required to obtain and secure employment opportunities such as; resume and cover letter building, education and training, career planning through self-assessments, interview skills, computer skills, computer access, and job boards/fairs and employer networking.

For more information please contact Reception at 250-785-8566 or via email at

Addictions Counselling & Referral Services

Our Addictions Counsellor provides client-centered, confidential assessments, one on one counselling and referral services to individuals, families, or groups who are concerned about the effects of alcohol and/or drugs on their lives.

Our onsite experienced counsellor works out of our main office (10208-95th Avenue) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays, from 8:30am-4:30pm.  Wednesdays our Addictions Counsellor provides Outreach services to Halfway and Blueberry.

For more information please contact our Addictions Counsellor, Alfred at 250-785-8566 or via email at

Elders Program

The Elder’s Program provides opportunities to build relationships and enhance well-being.

Our Elders Program is free and runs from October to April. Elders gather every Wednesday in our Main Hall from 11:30pm to 2:30pm, enjoying a variety of activities.

For more information please contact the center directly at 250-785-8566.